Tango Definitions
Embrace -
hug, embrace. Open embrace, close embrace
Salida - beginning or ending, walking step Multiple walking steps is Caminar. There are three tracks the leader can walk in; in front of follower, to follower's left or right
Cruzada - cross refered to as walking to the cross (salida cruzada).
Ocho - twisted front or back step made after a pivot.
Giro - 4 steps going around the leader, 2 ochos (one forward, one back) alternated by side steps.
Also called a grapevine step or molinete.
Ocho cortado - a cut ocho where the follower is led to the side and brought back to a cross.
Sandwichito (El Sanguchito) - a partner's foot is sandwiched between the other partner's feet. Beginning with a foot catch or stop, called a parada.
Sacada - displacing your partner's foot with your own. Done on the outside foot.
Boleo - to throw. A flick of the leg during a turn front (Castigada) or back. It could be in the air or on the floor.
Enrosque - to twist. Added to the twist is usually a hook behind the pivoting foot.
Tanda - a set of usually 3 or 4 songs with similiar style. It is customary for partners to dance entire Tanda together, but could excuse themselves with a thank you after any song.
Cortina - is the partial song usually of very different character that divides the tanda. It means "curtain".
Parada - to stop. Leader uses pressure in the hand on follower's back to stop follower in mid weight transfer to a split weight stance. Sometimes the leader will touch his foot to follower's sending foot and is sometimes called a foot catch. This is the first part of a sandwich or barrida (foot drag)
Dissociation - a separate twist in upper and lower halves of body. This is not a Spanish word, but is used by all the teachers to describe the twist that happens in any turning step.
Traspie - triple step with a cross step. A walking step with a syncopated cross using two beats of music.
Salida - beginning or ending, walking step Multiple walking steps is Caminar. There are three tracks the leader can walk in; in front of follower, to follower's left or right
Cruzada - cross refered to as walking to the cross (salida cruzada).
Ocho - twisted front or back step made after a pivot.
Giro - 4 steps going around the leader, 2 ochos (one forward, one back) alternated by side steps.
Also called a grapevine step or molinete.
Ocho cortado - a cut ocho where the follower is led to the side and brought back to a cross.
Sandwichito (El Sanguchito) - a partner's foot is sandwiched between the other partner's feet. Beginning with a foot catch or stop, called a parada.
Sacada - displacing your partner's foot with your own. Done on the outside foot.
Boleo - to throw. A flick of the leg during a turn front (Castigada) or back. It could be in the air or on the floor.
Enrosque - to twist. Added to the twist is usually a hook behind the pivoting foot.
Tanda - a set of usually 3 or 4 songs with similiar style. It is customary for partners to dance entire Tanda together, but could excuse themselves with a thank you after any song.
Cortina - is the partial song usually of very different character that divides the tanda. It means "curtain".
Parada - to stop. Leader uses pressure in the hand on follower's back to stop follower in mid weight transfer to a split weight stance. Sometimes the leader will touch his foot to follower's sending foot and is sometimes called a foot catch. This is the first part of a sandwich or barrida (foot drag)
Dissociation - a separate twist in upper and lower halves of body. This is not a Spanish word, but is used by all the teachers to describe the twist that happens in any turning step.
Traspie - triple step with a cross step. A walking step with a syncopated cross using two beats of music.